Cat Cuevas, MA is a seasoned leadership and organization effectiveness thought-leader and practitioner. Her 20 years in the field of professional and personal development have been devoted to womxn’s leadership and social justice.
Cat has developed and delivered trainings for over 20,000 leaders in academic institutions, corporations, nonprofits, benefit corporations, faith-based organizations, sport teams, performing art groups, hospitals, and communities around the nation and around the world.
Cat’s current favorite areas of research are gender and racial equity, leadership psychology, mastery, and bridging intractable conversations. Currently, she designs the company-wide learning content and strategy for Katerra, a multinational company disrupting the entire construction industry. In partnership with the Women's Funding Alliance and Center for American Women and Politics, she also trains college womxn in the leadership skills they need to succeed in public office. For fun, Cat owns a burlesque performing arts troupe, and enjoys training in Kung Fu.